Taking care of hair strands is more than finding the right shampoo, avoiding hair straightener or religiously applying serum on the ends. These are small steps that together work to a more beautiful hair.
Taking care of hair strands is more than finding the right shampoo, avoiding hair straightener or religiously applying serum on the ends. These are small steps that together work to a more beautiful hair. Photography by Pedro Ferreira. Composition by Ana Caracol.

Jasmine, in Aladino, Cher, in Clueless, and even Ariel, in The Little Mermaid - and with a fork! - they all did it. How was it that, for years, the world subliminally tried to tell us how important it was to brush your hair, and yet many women still do not? If you are reading this and feeling outraged by the fact that someone may not comb their hair, don't be. It took only a small and very unorganized survey in Vogue’s newsroom to quickly discover that several women admitted to rarely combing their hair. Others admitted to doing it daily. After all, what is the right thing to do? None of the habits is wrong. But it is true that brushing your hair regularly has many benefits. First, it is important to make it clear that brushing is different from untangling. For the second, you should do it with a wide-toothed comb and be patient, to avoid breaking the strands. For the first, continue reading this article. Contrary to the information that is often conveyed, brushing or combing the hair does not contribute to its fall.
On the contrary, this gesture can even promote growth, as it helps in microcirculation, by stimulating capillary blood flow. But there is more. A bristle brush (ideally made of boar) and regular brushing can be beneficial to remove dirt from the scalp, as well as any residues that may be encrusted there. In addition, massaging the scalp with the brush also helps to distribute the sebum evenly. The sebaceous glands produce this "oil" which is nothing more than a natural conditioner to lubricate the scalp and hair. And, of course, combing is the best way to distribute it, and to make your hair healthier and shiny. If you need any more arguments to give in to brushing, know that we lose about 100 hairs per day, therefore combing them is also a way to remove them immediately (and not let them accumulate until we find them in the bathtub drain). As for the recommendation of the number of brushings, this is determined by the length and texture of the hair, but experts tend to suggest between two to three times a day. We don't suggest that, because ain’t nobody got time. However, if you don't have a bristle brush, maybe it's time to consider buying one.
Scalp, my love
One thing is for sure when it comes to scalp: it needs our attention. Taking care of the scalp is essential for the hair strands to be born and grow beautiful and healthy. A few issues back, we talked about how much of a difference can be made by simply using a scrub occasionally. Whether to refresh the scalp or remove surface impurities and product residues. Just keep it in the shower and apply it once a week or every fifteen days, as needed. Many of them are salt-based and some can even replace the use of shampoo. All of them allow a massage that is not only pleasant, but stimulates hair follicles and skin flexibility. And speaking of skin ... What is the scalp if not an extension of the skin? Hence the existence of specific oils for scalp, which are now trendy, despite having been commercialized for decades in pharmacies. In fact, in the late 1950s, Complexe 5, a René Furterer product to tone and stimulate the scalp, already existed. This concentrate of essential oils of orange and lavender exists until today, and serves as a pre-shampoo, and should be applied before washing the hair, doing a long minute massage and letting it sink in for some more time. Then, just do a so-called normal wash. The use of this type of product benefits not only the quality and vitality of the hair, but also improves the comfort of the scalp skin itself, which, over time, becomes more elastic and less tense. Now, before dedicating yourself to updating your shopping list, it is important to remember that, in addition to brushes, oils or scrubs, however fantastic they may be, the most important thing is understanding that hair must be treated, cared for, and not just embellished.
This article was originally published in Vogue Portugal's Freedom issue, from April 2020. Para ler este artigo em português, veja a edição de Liberdade da Vogue Portugal.
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