It is not the Orient, nor Juliet, but neither is the sun, because the famous phrase from Shakespeare's work does not refer to a mirror, but a window.

It is not the Orient, nor Juliet, but neither is the sun, because the famous phrase from Shakespeare's work does not refer to a mirror, but a window. Though it does mention thoroughly Romeo reflecting on his beloved and, if there is a surface that encourages reflection, it is the mirror. A reflection or reflecting, the portrait, or better yet, the self-portrait it delivers us, fosters self-analysis, the reflection of the reflected self, introspection, which invariably creates the necessary utopias that we simbolically gather to build our idea of reality. Our image of the real. Or perhaps our imagination of the surreal. Creative direction and photography by Guilherme Nabhan. Styling by David Pollak.
*Originally translated from Vogue Portugal's The Mirror Issue, publishd january 2021.Full credits and story on the print issue.
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