An image is worth a thousand words. In the same sense, there are also words that need a thousand images to illustrate them.
An image is worth a thousand words. In the same sense, there are also words that need a thousand images to illustrate them. In this issue, titled NO COMMENTS, we focus on the images and feelings that provoke us.

We live in a time where reactions are immediate. We often react badly or well to an image, under the influence of the “caption” with which others have already cataloged that same image.
Sustainability was the motto for the curation of all of the images, the Fashion and Beauty stories, the reportage spreads and artist portfolios, in this special issue where we omit (almost all of) the written words and interpretations, with the sole purpose of awakening feelings that stimulate action and a real need for change.
The invitation, and purpose, is to look at the images without haste or preconceived ideas: the same image can provoke more than one reaction or feeling, even on different days.
Explore the magazine, get a pen and title the editorials, write down what you feel or what the images stir. What makes this issue even more special is that no one will have one like yours, because it will be felt and commented solely by you.

“We've already spent our words on the street, my love...”. Eugénio de Andrade's words serve as a parable to help define this edition. The time for more action and fewer words has arrived. Because each one of us has the power of acting to change.

© Getty Images
Originally translated from Vogue Portugal's No Comments issue, published November 2021.A versão portuguesa, aqui.
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